Thursday, March 19, 2009


Class Assignment number 2. Use simple shapes to depict certain words

Okay, this is for change.

Pop the drop

Okay, I admit, I had outside help this time. I was searching for inspiration this time round and chanced upon this brilliant poster.

That week, unfortunately, an NTU student committed suicide. So that in turn inspired me (in a rather macabre manner) to produce a anti suicide campaign poster. Here's my first attempt

Okay, you gotta visualize. The falling man is actually cut out and flipped over like in the first poster you see. My kind classmates then pointed out that it looked as if someone pushed the man over. So I tweaked it a little and the final result is below.

But I'm still not satisfied. So if.. and I mean if... if i have time, I will cook up something else

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easiest by far

Argh, darn you NUS wireless. I have no idea why but it was impossible to upload pictures onto blogger.

After a long time struggling with that, I realised it was the Safari browser. Darn you Mac.

Anyway,I needed to create a photo narrative with 8 pictures.

This was the easiest by far. I'll upload the sketches another time, after I tidy them up. Trust me, you won't want to see them now

So here are the pictures. I'm grateful for the help my friends rendered. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pic, Pict, Picto, Pictogram

Next up we were supposed to create a pictogram. A pictogram is an abstraction. If you are thinking of the toilet signs, yes you are right. Check out some ugly sketches below

I wanted to create a pictogram of a Lecture Theatre but it was way too difficult. In a moment of inspiration, I looked at my beautifully crafted MacBook Pro and thought, why not.

And so i started abstracting my laptop. Check it out below.
I added the screwdriver only after Monday's critique session. Yup, it was an after thought. Classmates suggested putting it as a sign in the computer co-op, at the repair centre.

And it gets better...

So after a few disastrous sketches, I came up with something better.

Well, classmates commented that it was pretty difficult to make out my name because it was all jumbled up. So in one final attempt, I came up with one more design...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Yes! I guess I'm what, 5 weeks overdue? Okay, so the first assignment involves us designing and conceptualizing our name. I got a few really crappy ideas at the start...

Left: Unwavering, through the elements. Right: wordy, good in English

I sure hope you can understand