Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lab Ex 3


What is surrealism and its relationship to photography?

We often hear this. “This is so surreal”, “What a surreal feeling.”. But what exactly is surreal? The dictionary says “Surrealism is an avant-garde art form that sought to release the creativity of the subconscious mind.” It is those weird dreams where you discover you can fly, where you fought off a giant spider and then end up underwater wearing your school uniform.

In a nutshell, bizarre and weird.

Before photography, artists were limited to the canvas and brush. What photography introduced was its ability to accurately capture reality relatively easily. Instead of taking weeks and months to paint or carve a sculpture, photographers can capture images in a matter of hours.

This convenience allowed artists to create work that couldn't be done in the past. Very often, surrealism works only when it is close to reality. If it is too abstract, the meaning often gets lost in translation.

Photography allows accurate images to be captured and manipulated. Photographers such as Martina Lopez utilise images and combine them in interesting manners way before Photoshop came about.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Final Project


Okay, is it Human nature or Human and Nature? I chose the latter. I wanted to portray the unlikely (I hope) scenario of Nature attacking Humans in the most common everyday activity.

Here are my raw materials. Literally

Assignment 5

Emotions capture.

I wanted to go along with using staircases after getting this shot.

But it was hard finding other staircases soo.. I chose doors after walking around Chinatown.

I like this... A little sense of mystery

Grand, imposing

Abandoned, broken down

Assignment 4

This was inspired by the recent economic crisis.
The source image.

The final image

Lab Ex 2


This week, we had to do a quick mash up of these 2 images in class to create a 'surrealistic' piece.
Picture 1
Picture 2

Mash up

Well, not exactly surrealistic. But you have probably seen this before. An image popping out of the mirror

Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Focal Length and Sensor Latitude

What a theme for an assignment. It simply means exploring different perspectives and stretching the dynamic range.





You will see a lot of me in other assignments. That means i'm desperate

High Key

Monday, November 2, 2009

Assignment 2

Assignment 2: On camera techniques

Slow Shutter Speed

Buona Vista road on the night before tutorial.
Shallow Depth of Field

This is also known as false perspective, as Jing pointed out

Fast Shutter Speed

A big thank you to my church friends!

Deep Depth of Field

Assignment 1

First Assignment: Objects as Subjects
